Vulkan SDKs are now Available
Released 17 Jan 2024
Today LunarG released a new SDK for Windows, Linux, & macOS that supports Vulkan API revision 1.3.275.
The highlights below are not a replacement for the important and detailed information in the release notes!
Highlights of New Features in SDK
- This SDK supports Vulkan API revision 1.3.275.
- VK_EXT_layer_settings was created to enable configuring any layer programmatically, from the Vulkan application code.
- By default, Synchronization Validation now also reports issues between or outside of recorded command buffers.
- Debug Printf no longer implicitly includes stage specific information (such as gl_InvocationId) in its output.
- Added to the Vulkan Profiles API library the capability to check the support of a Vulkan Profile that supports multiple variants.
- Added to the Vulkan Profiles API library the ability to create VkDevice and VkInstance instances using specific capabilities blocks.
- Added the support of a Vulkan Profile requiring other profiles.
- The Vulkan Configurator (vkconfig) has been updated to improve quality and stability.
- Profiles were added, replaced, and removed from the SDK. See the release notes for profile specifics.
- The Vulkan headers now include over a dozen new extensions.
- The glslang legacy libraries named HLSL and OGLCompiler have been removed.
- Added CMake files to support building applications with CMake and the glslang shipped with the SDK.
- Improved Vulkan validation coverage.
Apple Platform Highlights
iOS: (NEW!)
- iOS now fully supports the Vulkan Loader and Vulkan Layers!
- Support for the iOS simulator is not currently available in this SDK. Apple Silicon machines can run and debug iOS applications directly on the macOS desktop.
- Deprecation Notice – The Vulkan Loader will no longer be distributed as a Framework starting with the next SDK release. The loader is provided as a .dylib and can be included directly in the /Frameworks folder of your application bundle. This is the recommended usage model for using the Vulkan loader moving forward.
- XCode AND the XCode command line tools are required to run the installer due to it’s dependency on Python3 being present on your system.
- MoltenVK updated to version 1.2.7.
- Metal capabilities through MoltenVK will be now be achieved by the VK_EXT_metal_objects, and the VK_EXT_layer_settings extensions. Previous functions to access Metal capabilities have been marked deprecated – and will be removed in a future MoltenVK release.
tvOS: (NEW!)
- tvOS is also now an optional component. It’s version of libMoltenVK.dylib is found in /tvOS off the SDK root if it is selected for installation.
Thank You!
LunarG would like to thank the many contributors to the Vulkan Ecosystem that help make the SDKs possible!
Release Notes & White Papers
- Release Notes for Linux
- Release Notes for Windows
- Release Notes for macOS
- White Paper – The State of Vulkan on Apple Devices
- White Paper – Configuring Vulkan Layers
More Information about LunarG
LunarG software engineering experts create innovative products and services for open-source and commercial customers using leading-edge 3D graphics and compute technologies, including Vulkan, SPIR-V, OpenXR, and OpenGL. We have strengths in performance analysis and tuning, runtime and tools development, shader optimizations, driver development, and porting engines and applications to Vulkan.
For more information about LunarG, please check out our website.
Go to the Vulkan SDK Download site to get the new SDKs