Promotes adoption of AR/VR by helping to eliminate confusion and fragmentation of different companies developing their own APIs
Enables games and other applications written to the OpenXR standard to work across a variety of hardware platforms without having to port or re-write code or develop proprietary SDKs
Greatly increases developer productivity; opens AR/VR solution providers to larger revenue options with multi-platform support
Provides platform vendors that support OpenXR with access to more applications
LunarG provides a wide range of OpenXR services. We provide optional support and warranties for our services, so you can rest assured your solution will continue to work smoothly after launch.
Write a custom OpenXR API layer
Draft extensions for new OpenXR functionality, representing the client in the working group
Write an OpenXR runtime
Provide testing for OpenXR runtime implementation and applications
Write a device plugin for OpenXR
Debug and/or profile to optimize OpenXR programs
Deliver beginner/intermediate OpenXR training
LunarG has a long-standing partnership with the Khronos Group, a technology consortium that works to develop advanced, royalty-free, acceleration standards for Augmented and Virtual Reality. LunarG is also actively involved in influencing the OpenXR specification process, and in representing its clients’ needs at OpenXR Working Group meetings.
LunarG released an open source implementation of the experimental XR_EXTX_overlay extension, introduced in OpenXR 1.0.8. Refer to the following document for a description of the project.
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