LunarG has a proven track record of OpenGL API work, both in proprietary and open‐source platforms.
Our 3D graphics professionals have extensive OpenGL experience, and have actively contributed to many OpenGL projects such as GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language), and the Mesa 3D Graphics library, and apitrace (tools for tracing OpenGL).
We also have experience:
Creating the Mesa graphics regression test system for Intel® and AMD OpenGL open source graphics drivers. This service enables users to test their own Mesa builds and compare the results to LunarG baselines, LunarG test runs, or user test runs
Developing open‐source and proprietary drivers
Enhancing existing driver architectures to provide additional functionality, and improved driver performance
Adding new features to increase competitiveness of product offering
Improving customer satisfaction of a client's video streaming application by analyzing and tuning performance
Developing for a range of operating systems (Linux, Windows® and Android™) on a variety of platforms (mobile, console, embedded, and desktop)
LunarG offers a number of OpenGL services. We provide optional support and warranties for our services, so you can rest assured your solution will continue to work smoothly after launch.
OpenGL Software and Tools Development
When your company needs to develop OpenGL software and tools, but you have limited bandwidth to cover all your needs, LunarG’s software engineers can serve as the additional engineering resources you need to get your project completed on time.
Application Performance Tuning
LunarG can assist you with getting the most out of your graphics by tuning to many different parameters, including performance. We can analyze and tune performance on existing applications to help your customers get the best possible result.
OpenGL 3D Graphics Driver Implementation
Whether you’re trying to keep up with the latest API specifications, refactor for maintainability, build new capabilities, tune for performance, or fix a defect, LunarG has the technical expertise to solve your OpenGL 3D graphics driver issues.
Plus, since many enhancements require both core driver and shader compiler experience, you can take comfort in knowing we have deep experience in both.
Regression Testing
If you need to know if a recent code change or program is adversely impacting any of your existing OpenGL functionality, LunarG can perform regression testing for you.
LunarG developed the OpenGL Mesa Graphics driver regression test suite and released it to the Mesa community. Now this testing service supports Vulkan® too.
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