The 3D Graphics Software Specialists

Your go-to team for innovative 3D graphics software services and solutions – including everything you need to navigate the Vulkan® ecosystem.

Thank You

LunarG thanks the Valve Corporation and Google for their sponsorship of Vulkan ecosystem projects and the SDK!

Case Study

Vulkan Validation Layers

By design, Vulkan device drivers provide no error checking. However Vulkan application developers will need a way to validate that they are using the Vulkan API correctly while developing their applications. The solution described in the Vulkan Specification was to define validation layers as a critical, if not mandatory, part of the development process. LunarG worked closely with The Khronos Group and the Vulkan Working Group member companies to develop a solution.

Read Full Case Study

Vulkan SDK

The first and most comprehensive Vulkan SDK includes everything you need to get started in the Vulkan API development environment.

We are proud to partner with Khronos to bring the most up-to-date knowledge of and best practices for Vulkan to the open source community.

White Paper

Vulkan Ecosystem & SDK Survey Results

LunarG has summarized the results and created a report that shares the key findings and suggested actions.  The information you provided will be used to help guide Vulkan Ecosystem investments in 2024 and beyond.   The results have also been shared with key partners and contributors in the hope that they will also use the information to guide their investments.

Thanks to those of you who completed the annual survey.  LunarG understands how valuable your time is!

Download Survey Results

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