LunarG is at the Vulkan, Forging Ahead session at the Khronos BoF during SIGGRAPH 2024!
Afterward, have live 1:1 conversations with key LunarG senior software engineers at the Khronos Networking Event!
(NEW) Watch the Videos –
- The Vulkan SDK – Where we started – Where we are going, Karen Ghavam, CEO & Engineering Director, LunarG
- Introduction to the Crash Diagnostic Layer, Jeremy Gebben, Senior Software Engineer, LunarG
Presentations –
- The Vulkan SDK – Where we started – Where we are going, Karen Ghavam, CEO & Engineering Director, LunarG
- Introduction to the Crash Diagnostic Layer, Jeremy Gebben, Senior Software Engineer, LunarG
Khronos Event Logistics (at the Hyatt Regency Denver) –
Vulkan, Forging Ahead: Wednesday, July 31: 3:00 – 6:00 pm MDT
Khronos Networking Event: Wednesday, July 31: 6:00 – 9:00 pm MDT